White Bean Soup with Crumbled Bacon and Spiced Brown Butter

While I always try to start the post with why I chose to make this, sometimes I struggle to explain it. This is one of those times. Nothing jumps out as to why this got chosen. It looked good and it had bacon. That’s about all I got. Read the recipe here

What I can say, is that this is (sadly) yet another example of a dish that took longer than I expected it to. Which is my own fault for continuing to not think about the time it takes to bring something to a boil or simmer. But, it all worked out. 

The only change I made was I went a little heavy on the bacon and I skipped the crushed red pepper. On the bacon, other than wanting more bacon, the package I had bought from a meat locker didn’t have the standard length slices which meant I needed some more to make up for it. In the end, I may have done too much as the soup is not as nice and white as the original post. The only thing I can think is that the bacon grease tinted the soup. That would have happened anyway but the additional bacon grease may have over tinted it. 

But regardless, it was still a good soup. I was the only one who wound up putting the butter in it. It gave it a different flavor and one that was more complex. But still very good. Everyone liked it. The recipe made enough for all four of us with a little bit left over. 

I highly recommend using an immersion blender rather than trying to pour it into a blender and whatnot. The immersion blender is quick and easy and while it may splatter a tiny bit, it beats trying to pour hot soup in a blender. 

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